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Donation Guide


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Help us run and maintain the server!

Thank you for considering to buy items or donating to our server. Playing ArunafeltzRO is 100% free; however, purchasing an item supports and helps us cover the costs of running a server. Purchasing items or donations help us pay the server and web hosting fees and also going towards any expansion and upgrades, advertising and other server expenses. The Administrator of the server is based on Finland so for Donation information please message Dev1 on Discord first before donating for confirmation of the details.

Always Ask Dev1 or Helsinki for Details before you send the donation.

Dev1 Discord: vaizel.cross#0044

Helsinki Discord: - 7th GOD#6336

Join Aruna MMORPG Discord: https://discord.gg/SpwXenczrh

Donations are purely voluntary.

Donation Rates & Current Promo:
Visit This Link for the Current Donation Promo

Transfer fees will be shouldered by sender and will be counted as donation.

Paypal (Dev1):

Paypal (Helsinki):

G Cash (Helsinki)

G Cash (Dev1)

Binance Smart Chain (Crypto Dev1)
BSC Address: 0x3A447d30Ac22db31B0B7385B3B7181e7C8216Fb1

If the mode of payment is not mentioned above, ask dev or admin for details.
Minimum Donation amount is 10$ USD or 500 PHP

Once you have sent your donation, PM (- 7th GOD#6336) / (vaizel.cross#0044) on Discord or message us on our Facebook Page with the following information:

Sent via: (Mode of Payment)
Character Name:
Account Username:
Sender's Name:
Amount Sent:
Screenshot, Proof of your payment, Receipt. All receipt you have please send to us.
Transfer fees should be shouldered (we will give a bonus depending on the amount of transfer fees)

Ticket Processing Time: (A.S.A.P)

Monday to Sunday
(It Depends on Admin / Developer Availability)

Always Ask Dev1 or Helsinki for Details before you send the donation.

Dev1 Discord: vaizel.cross#0044

Helsinki Discord: - 7th GOD#6336

Donation Policy:
By Donating to the server, you are automatically agreeing to these policy / rules.

  • Strictly No Refunds!, Once you have donated you cannot get your money back.
  • No Reselling of account / items for real money to other players!, once you are caught even if you have supported the server with high amount of donations in the past, you are not immune to sanction and BANS!



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